Today is my last day in Bangkok and I am feeling pretty good about this goodbye. There are things that I will miss but I know that I am taking a step that is good for me and my overall health. I am very excited to come home... So excited that I haven't really even pictured what my trip to Australia will look like; I've been focusing more on Austin. I know I will have a great time so it isn't a worry for me, but figuring out what I will do once back in ATX is. I have some time to think about though...
Before I left, I made a small list of things I wasn't going to miss about Austin. It consisted of these 3 items:
1. Allergies
2. Dog hair
3. Making Tiffany's Christmas list because she can never come up with things she wants.
I haven't missed those things at all!
Here is my list of things I won't miss about Bangkok:
1. Pollution
2. Being sick
3. The sewer smell that permeates the air at all times.
4. The long hours and stress from teaching at International House
5. The interchange of trains at Siam
6. Drinking only bottled water
7. Not being able to flush toilet paper
8. The heat/constant sweat
9. Undulating sidewalks
10. Traffic
11. Dirty white guys
(The last two I may not be able to avoid once back in America, but at least it will be minimized.)
Here are the things that I will miss:
1. The people
2. Everywhere else in Thailand beside Bangkok
3. Thai food
Wow- my list of things that I will miss is pretty short when compared with the list of things I won't... There's proof that this is the right decision. :)
I love you all and hope you are having fantastic holidays. See you soon!!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Goodbye to Bangkok!
I leave Bangkok for good on Saturday and I'm feeling anxious about it. I am very much looking forward to my trip to Australia but I still have no idea what I'm going to do after that. I'm pushing that aside for now but I know it's not something to be ignored and the time to face it will come. I am trying to think about what makes me happy, what interests me and then how I can make money at it. I am considering teaching back in the States as well. I really enjoyed the teaching part of my job and feel like I could do it happily for a long while. We'll just see I guess!
It is hard for me to say goodbye to everyone and it makes me incredibly sad. I have met some really great people and they have become my family while here and I'm going to miss them a lot. I know that these friendships won't die and that we will remain in touch, but I can honestly say that I have no idea when I will see them again and that is difficult information to sit with.
I am sad to say goodbye to Kim too. Although we didn't work out, I really care for her and it is painful for me to think about her being here, all by herself, trying to find happiness. Of course it is her decision to do so (or not) and I'm trying not to carry any of that responsibility but I do feel somewhat guilty because she chose to go to Bangkok because that's what I wanted. I am starting to mourn the loss of the relationship in a real way and that has been really difficult. I wish things could be different, but they aren't, so now I'm focusing on figuring out how to open my heart. I don't want to make the same mistake again and this is crucial for me to figure out if I'm ever going to be happy in a relationship.
There were certain things that I wanted to accomplish on my trip and I'm not sure that I've succeeded in that endeavor but I have learned so much none-the-less. I will always cherish this part of my life, be proud that I went for something this big and for being honest with myself about things that are hard to do so with. I have no regrets and although I have had some hard times here, I have gained an incredible amount as well. I'm not as scared as I used to be, I have confidence that I can do anything I want in this world and I value everything in my life in a completely different and more enhanced way. I am now able to cherish the little things easier, I view and hold my relationships with people as more rich, full and unconditional and I am thankful for every moment. I recognize the things that are important with greater clarity and I am willing, able and motivated to find my own happiness.
It is a bit overwhelming that this chapter is coming to a close because well, this has become my life- I am comfortable with it and it's what I'm used to. I am going back home, which is a place I know well, but I will still have to create a life again. I am excited that it will be shared with my friends and family but I know that it will still require a lot of work. I feel pretty confident that it will all work out well and that I will be fine, but the uncertainty is scary.
I love all of you and hope that you have a very Merry Christmas!
It is hard for me to say goodbye to everyone and it makes me incredibly sad. I have met some really great people and they have become my family while here and I'm going to miss them a lot. I know that these friendships won't die and that we will remain in touch, but I can honestly say that I have no idea when I will see them again and that is difficult information to sit with.
I am sad to say goodbye to Kim too. Although we didn't work out, I really care for her and it is painful for me to think about her being here, all by herself, trying to find happiness. Of course it is her decision to do so (or not) and I'm trying not to carry any of that responsibility but I do feel somewhat guilty because she chose to go to Bangkok because that's what I wanted. I am starting to mourn the loss of the relationship in a real way and that has been really difficult. I wish things could be different, but they aren't, so now I'm focusing on figuring out how to open my heart. I don't want to make the same mistake again and this is crucial for me to figure out if I'm ever going to be happy in a relationship.
There were certain things that I wanted to accomplish on my trip and I'm not sure that I've succeeded in that endeavor but I have learned so much none-the-less. I will always cherish this part of my life, be proud that I went for something this big and for being honest with myself about things that are hard to do so with. I have no regrets and although I have had some hard times here, I have gained an incredible amount as well. I'm not as scared as I used to be, I have confidence that I can do anything I want in this world and I value everything in my life in a completely different and more enhanced way. I am now able to cherish the little things easier, I view and hold my relationships with people as more rich, full and unconditional and I am thankful for every moment. I recognize the things that are important with greater clarity and I am willing, able and motivated to find my own happiness.
It is a bit overwhelming that this chapter is coming to a close because well, this has become my life- I am comfortable with it and it's what I'm used to. I am going back home, which is a place I know well, but I will still have to create a life again. I am excited that it will be shared with my friends and family but I know that it will still require a lot of work. I feel pretty confident that it will all work out well and that I will be fine, but the uncertainty is scary.
I love all of you and hope that you have a very Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I've figured out my plans (for the most part) and it looks like I'll be home on February 8th/9th. Woohoo! I am so excited for my upcoming trip to Australia too!!!! I can hardly handle it. I am heading to Sydney on the 26th, to meet my Mom and Tom, and we are going to be there through the New Year. Kim joins us on New Year's Eve and then we are off to Cairns to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef. We also have a white water rafting trip and hike through the rainforest planned. Kim goes home on the 5th and we head to Ayer's Rock, which is a huge rock in the desert in the middle of Australia and it's a monumental part of the country. The plan is to hire a car and we are going to Alice Springs and King's Canyon through the 11th. At that point, my Mom and Tom head back to Sydney and I'm going to hop on a bus and head to Adelaide which is supposed to be this cool, hippy-type town with a great live music scene. I'm going to hang there for a few days, and then I fly to Brisbane, which has some of the best surfing in Australia. I'm not the greatest surfer in the world but I am determined to get up one more time in my life so this could be my chance!!!! :) Anyway, I will then go to the place that I am volunteering for a couple of weeks- I found a meditation retreat that will take me on... I am so excited! Here's the web address if you want to check it out: It is surrounded by mountains and its supposed to be quite peaceful. It's just the kind of break I was hoping for. I am really looking forward to some down time where I can collect my thoughts and relax a bit. I have to work 4-6 hours/day but that doesn't seem that bad considering I'm getting room and board taken care of. I will head back to Sydney on the 27th or so and then I'm flying back to Bangkok on the 2nd. I will be here for Kim's birthday, for Debbie's (Joann's sister) 40th and hopefully, I will get to see everyone one last time. I also get to leave some stuff here which is incredibly helpful!
My last day of work is on Saturday and I'm really happy that this day has come. I feel good about the decision I made and that it's the right one for me. It has been tough to say goodbye to all of my students and a bit strained between my boss and I but everyone ultimately understands. It was pretty funny to have one of my student's Mom look me up and down the other day and tell me that I don't look sick. Oh, I'm sorry- I didn't know you were a doctor! Do you want to know all of my symptoms or should we just move on? :)
I'm pretty well packed in my mind to leave this place but my stuff is a different story. I'm stressed about it but I'm sure I can get it all taken care of next week so I'm trying not to be too stressed.
That's it for now! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your holidays. I'm sending you some Christmas cheer, smiles and good times.
My last day of work is on Saturday and I'm really happy that this day has come. I feel good about the decision I made and that it's the right one for me. It has been tough to say goodbye to all of my students and a bit strained between my boss and I but everyone ultimately understands. It was pretty funny to have one of my student's Mom look me up and down the other day and tell me that I don't look sick. Oh, I'm sorry- I didn't know you were a doctor! Do you want to know all of my symptoms or should we just move on? :)
I'm pretty well packed in my mind to leave this place but my stuff is a different story. I'm stressed about it but I'm sure I can get it all taken care of next week so I'm trying not to be too stressed.
That's it for now! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your holidays. I'm sending you some Christmas cheer, smiles and good times.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Coming Home!
So, most of you know by now, but I'm coming home soon! I put in my two-weeks last Sunday and everything has been moving at a really fast pace since. I am preparing my departure and can't believe that I've collected so much stuff since I've been here. Luckily, I have been able to find good homes for most of my things and it hasn't been too hard. I am really excited to come home but the decision has definitely been bittersweet. I am trying to hold space for both emotions at the same time which is quite the challenge!
Kim and I broke up over a month ago and that has been really hard. I know that it was the best thing to do in the situation but it has been hard for both of us. I haven't been able to be open/available in the relationship for some time now, particularly since she's been in Thailand. I have also been tending to my own emotional turmoil which has taken up the majority of my energy and strength... Then add in the stress of a new job that requires a lot of my time, living in a new country, in a HUGE city, away from my support group and it was just more than I could bear. We have had some difficult days but the bottom line is that we both truly care for each other and I hope that we are great friends someday.
The main reason I have decided to come home is because I have been sick for almost 5 months now. Without getting into the gory details, I have had stomach issues and I've been to the doctor 8 times but they've been unable to properly diagnose the problem. According to my blood tests and everything else, I am healthy, in good shape and have no problems, but I just can't seem to get better. So, they have treated me for a myriad of options and I'm constantly taking some sort of pill but there hasn't been any improvement. With that being the case, I feel like it's a good idea to come home and take care of this there.
That being said, everything else has been weighing on me greatly... The illness is probably just what moved this whole situation into the completely unmanageable realm. Work has drained me since I've started and although I've gotten a lot better, the hours never seem to reduce and it has constantly overwhelmed my life. Jeff, my best friend here in Bangkok, left to go back home and it was been really hard without him here. He is someone I will always be friends with- he's got my back, I've got his; we talk about everything or nothing; have a similar approach to life; and we like to have a good laugh. His friendship has been the most valuable thing I've gained from this trip. I already miss him.
I'm sure you're wondering what's next... Honestly, I have no idea and that freaks me out! I am going to Australia on the trip to meet my Mom and Tom and well, I'm just not going back to Thailand. I have decided to stay in Australia for a bit longer than them and volunteer at an organice farm for a couple of weeks. The farm owners will provide me with room and board which is a cheap way to stay in the country and it's summer there so it should be gorgeous. I'm thinking somewhere along the east coast so that I can enjoy the ocean and mountains at the same time. I'm looking forward to relaxing, eating clean and healthy food and getting my thoughts together before heading home. I'm not sure when I will be back in Austin, but it should be the latter part of January-the beginning of February.
I'll just figure everything else out when I get home... I have a few options on the table and although they are mostly temporary things, they are enticing in their own ways. As far as my overall future, I still haven't figured that one out and I'm ok with that for now. I know that this is the best decision for me, right now, and that's all I can know so I'm sitting in that place as comfortably as possible. I am so excited to see everyone! By the time I get back, I'll have been gone for 10-11 months and that really does feel like forever.
You are all in my thoughts and I carry you in my heart.
Much love,
Kim and I broke up over a month ago and that has been really hard. I know that it was the best thing to do in the situation but it has been hard for both of us. I haven't been able to be open/available in the relationship for some time now, particularly since she's been in Thailand. I have also been tending to my own emotional turmoil which has taken up the majority of my energy and strength... Then add in the stress of a new job that requires a lot of my time, living in a new country, in a HUGE city, away from my support group and it was just more than I could bear. We have had some difficult days but the bottom line is that we both truly care for each other and I hope that we are great friends someday.
The main reason I have decided to come home is because I have been sick for almost 5 months now. Without getting into the gory details, I have had stomach issues and I've been to the doctor 8 times but they've been unable to properly diagnose the problem. According to my blood tests and everything else, I am healthy, in good shape and have no problems, but I just can't seem to get better. So, they have treated me for a myriad of options and I'm constantly taking some sort of pill but there hasn't been any improvement. With that being the case, I feel like it's a good idea to come home and take care of this there.
That being said, everything else has been weighing on me greatly... The illness is probably just what moved this whole situation into the completely unmanageable realm. Work has drained me since I've started and although I've gotten a lot better, the hours never seem to reduce and it has constantly overwhelmed my life. Jeff, my best friend here in Bangkok, left to go back home and it was been really hard without him here. He is someone I will always be friends with- he's got my back, I've got his; we talk about everything or nothing; have a similar approach to life; and we like to have a good laugh. His friendship has been the most valuable thing I've gained from this trip. I already miss him.
I'm sure you're wondering what's next... Honestly, I have no idea and that freaks me out! I am going to Australia on the trip to meet my Mom and Tom and well, I'm just not going back to Thailand. I have decided to stay in Australia for a bit longer than them and volunteer at an organice farm for a couple of weeks. The farm owners will provide me with room and board which is a cheap way to stay in the country and it's summer there so it should be gorgeous. I'm thinking somewhere along the east coast so that I can enjoy the ocean and mountains at the same time. I'm looking forward to relaxing, eating clean and healthy food and getting my thoughts together before heading home. I'm not sure when I will be back in Austin, but it should be the latter part of January-the beginning of February.
I'll just figure everything else out when I get home... I have a few options on the table and although they are mostly temporary things, they are enticing in their own ways. As far as my overall future, I still haven't figured that one out and I'm ok with that for now. I know that this is the best decision for me, right now, and that's all I can know so I'm sitting in that place as comfortably as possible. I am so excited to see everyone! By the time I get back, I'll have been gone for 10-11 months and that really does feel like forever.
You are all in my thoughts and I carry you in my heart.
Much love,
Friday, October 23, 2009
I'm a Teacher!

Here are a few photos of me teaching!
Sorry that it has been a bit of time since I last blogged... I always intend to do better but well, life is just busy! My teaching hours are high again which equates to some pretty long days. I worked 10+ hours everyday this week, without lunch and I went in on my day off. It is amazing how much energy and time teaching takes. I had no idea and I have a new-found respect for anyone that is a teacher. I am learning a lot though and I feel more comfortable with my abilities, which feels really good. I've been teaching for almost 5 months now which is shocking to think about!
I've been trying to have some fun on my days off but surprisingly, that is kind of hard to do in Bangkok. It is such a big city and I know that there are things to do, but I just can't seem to figure out what. I find myself working out, watching movies and just bumming around a lot. It can be a bit boring but sitting with the boredom has proven to be a good lesson for me. I have been reading a lot, keeping up with the world news and my brain feels more activated than before. I'm really thinking about what is going on in the world, ideas, opinions, why the way things are as they are, etc. It has been fruitful and quite enjoyable really.
I also have a few trips planned during the next couple of months and Rheannon and James are going to be here over the Thanksgiving holiday too. I'm really looking forward to that! Kim and I are meeting my Mom and Tom in Australia for the Christmas/New Year's holiday. We are going to the Great Barrier Reef and we get to see the fireworks over the Opera House on New Year's Eve. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience- how cool!
Kim and I had a bar-b-q at our place last night and it was a lot of fun. We had a tiny, electric grill that took forever to cook on but that's just how grilling goes sometimes. Everyone from my office came and we ate tons of food- burgers, chicken wings, potatoes, corn, carrots and onions. Yum! We ate straight-up American fare but it was shared with Thais and a Japanese girl (that one of my co-workers is dating) so the theme was 'East meets West.' Good times. :)
Aside from the boredom, I am still really missing home. I have a hard time imagining myself being away from everyone for another year! That just feels like an eternity and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to manage it. It's tough though... Kim's contract doesn't end until the latter part of September 2010 and that is a major factor in how long I will stay here. We'll just see how this goes I guess...
I feel like I have a lot of personal work to do while on this little adventure so I'm trying to focus on that as well. I am challenging myself to be more present, open and honest with my thoughts and emotions. This has led me down a few dark paths but I am determined to come out the other side. I don't want to continue carrying the guilt, pain, sadness and shame that has burdened me for so long now. This, I know, is the reason why I came to Thailand. I'm in the middle of my personal journey and am working hard in order to reach my goals. It's difficult but very worthwhile in the end.
I miss you all and hope you are smiling. XOXO
I've been trying to have some fun on my days off but surprisingly, that is kind of hard to do in Bangkok. It is such a big city and I know that there are things to do, but I just can't seem to figure out what. I find myself working out, watching movies and just bumming around a lot. It can be a bit boring but sitting with the boredom has proven to be a good lesson for me. I have been reading a lot, keeping up with the world news and my brain feels more activated than before. I'm really thinking about what is going on in the world, ideas, opinions, why the way things are as they are, etc. It has been fruitful and quite enjoyable really.
I also have a few trips planned during the next couple of months and Rheannon and James are going to be here over the Thanksgiving holiday too. I'm really looking forward to that! Kim and I are meeting my Mom and Tom in Australia for the Christmas/New Year's holiday. We are going to the Great Barrier Reef and we get to see the fireworks over the Opera House on New Year's Eve. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience- how cool!
Kim and I had a bar-b-q at our place last night and it was a lot of fun. We had a tiny, electric grill that took forever to cook on but that's just how grilling goes sometimes. Everyone from my office came and we ate tons of food- burgers, chicken wings, potatoes, corn, carrots and onions. Yum! We ate straight-up American fare but it was shared with Thais and a Japanese girl (that one of my co-workers is dating) so the theme was 'East meets West.' Good times. :)
Aside from the boredom, I am still really missing home. I have a hard time imagining myself being away from everyone for another year! That just feels like an eternity and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to manage it. It's tough though... Kim's contract doesn't end until the latter part of September 2010 and that is a major factor in how long I will stay here. We'll just see how this goes I guess...
I feel like I have a lot of personal work to do while on this little adventure so I'm trying to focus on that as well. I am challenging myself to be more present, open and honest with my thoughts and emotions. This has led me down a few dark paths but I am determined to come out the other side. I don't want to continue carrying the guilt, pain, sadness and shame that has burdened me for so long now. This, I know, is the reason why I came to Thailand. I'm in the middle of my personal journey and am working hard in order to reach my goals. It's difficult but very worthwhile in the end.
I miss you all and hope you are smiling. XOXO
Monday, September 28, 2009
Austin Moments
Hi all,
I'm back in the land of the lawless and I am happy to say that the transition hasn't been as difficult as anticipated. I don't have to create a new life for myself so I've been able to find comfort in my routine and the normalcy of my daily life. I do miss everyone already though! It was so nice to be home... It was so nice to just be. The good thing about being here is that there is something new to do everyday and that is exhilerating, but it can also be exhausting! For now, I am happy and feel good about things. I am trying to keep it all in perspective and to just enjoy it all as much as possible.
My work hours are picking up again but it isn't as overwhelming as before which is nice. I finally feel like I kind of know what I am doing! That being said, I completely confused a student of mine the other day (over past perfect simple) but that is to be expected. I am still learning and I was able to take a lot from that lesson. The best part about teaching is that I get an opportunity to correct it/do better the next time I teach them.
It was really good to see Kim again! She started her new job while I was away and seems to be enjoying it. She has a ridiculous commute of an hour to and from work and we have opposite schedules which isn't much fun. But, we are trying to figure that out and will get to a better place with it. I am happy that she has started her teaching journey here and she seems happy with it as well. I just hope I still get to see her! :)
I promise to blog more and to keep in touch better. The thought of being away from everyone for another year is too much to carry at times, but I have come to terms with that thought by promising myself to continue communicating as much as possible.
For now, here are my Top 10 Austin Moments:
1. Friends and Family.
All of the love, respect, care and support that I felt from home still fills my heart with joy and happiness. I am so fortunate to have such amazing people in my life. Words really aren't enough to describe this feeling but I think you all know what I am trying to say.
2. Google Bacon Scarf.
For those of you that don't know... bacon is back, in a big way! Seriously though, google bacon scarf if you get the chance.
3. Gorilla Bear.
This is the same as 'grow a pair' for those of you that can't hear very well. That's when a guy has small balls and needs to man up, in case you were confused. :)
4. If you have something important to say and want to get people's attention, simply touch your right armpit with your left hand and it's a sure bet- they WILL look at you.
5. Jumping off my Mom's boat dock with Tiff.
Overcoming the fear of just going for it is an incredible feeling, but follow it with a few seconds of free fall and it is one of those moments where you understand what life is about. Oh, and try to make sure that Theo doesn't follow you, because he will.
6. Pool and lake time.
Relaxing and enjoying friends and family. Not sure if it gets much better than that. Not to mention that you're cheeks will hurt from laughing so much.
7. Late night creek-side.
Sitting on the rocks, overlooking the water and talking about life. Good times! The world's worst Bloody Mary couldn't even ruin that.
8. Mexican Food.
SO GOOD! Polvo's, El Chilito and my Mom's fajitas all shared with a glorious margarita, or two. Oh, I miss that already.
9. Bud Light.
Sadly, I do miss Bud Light. I'm not sure if its the beer or the time spent talking with friends that I associate with it. Does it matter?
10. Ping Pong Tournaments.
Massive ping pong tournaments that last for hours. I forgot how much fun that is and how, surprisingly, it gets my adrenaline running. I am looking for a ping pong league in Bangkok. I will join one if I can find it but I must admit that I am scared of Asian ping pong players.
I hope you are well and I will talk with you soon! XOXO
I'm back in the land of the lawless and I am happy to say that the transition hasn't been as difficult as anticipated. I don't have to create a new life for myself so I've been able to find comfort in my routine and the normalcy of my daily life. I do miss everyone already though! It was so nice to be home... It was so nice to just be. The good thing about being here is that there is something new to do everyday and that is exhilerating, but it can also be exhausting! For now, I am happy and feel good about things. I am trying to keep it all in perspective and to just enjoy it all as much as possible.
My work hours are picking up again but it isn't as overwhelming as before which is nice. I finally feel like I kind of know what I am doing! That being said, I completely confused a student of mine the other day (over past perfect simple) but that is to be expected. I am still learning and I was able to take a lot from that lesson. The best part about teaching is that I get an opportunity to correct it/do better the next time I teach them.
It was really good to see Kim again! She started her new job while I was away and seems to be enjoying it. She has a ridiculous commute of an hour to and from work and we have opposite schedules which isn't much fun. But, we are trying to figure that out and will get to a better place with it. I am happy that she has started her teaching journey here and she seems happy with it as well. I just hope I still get to see her! :)
I promise to blog more and to keep in touch better. The thought of being away from everyone for another year is too much to carry at times, but I have come to terms with that thought by promising myself to continue communicating as much as possible.
For now, here are my Top 10 Austin Moments:
1. Friends and Family.
All of the love, respect, care and support that I felt from home still fills my heart with joy and happiness. I am so fortunate to have such amazing people in my life. Words really aren't enough to describe this feeling but I think you all know what I am trying to say.
2. Google Bacon Scarf.
For those of you that don't know... bacon is back, in a big way! Seriously though, google bacon scarf if you get the chance.
3. Gorilla Bear.
This is the same as 'grow a pair' for those of you that can't hear very well. That's when a guy has small balls and needs to man up, in case you were confused. :)
4. If you have something important to say and want to get people's attention, simply touch your right armpit with your left hand and it's a sure bet- they WILL look at you.
5. Jumping off my Mom's boat dock with Tiff.
Overcoming the fear of just going for it is an incredible feeling, but follow it with a few seconds of free fall and it is one of those moments where you understand what life is about. Oh, and try to make sure that Theo doesn't follow you, because he will.
6. Pool and lake time.
Relaxing and enjoying friends and family. Not sure if it gets much better than that. Not to mention that you're cheeks will hurt from laughing so much.
7. Late night creek-side.
Sitting on the rocks, overlooking the water and talking about life. Good times! The world's worst Bloody Mary couldn't even ruin that.
8. Mexican Food.
SO GOOD! Polvo's, El Chilito and my Mom's fajitas all shared with a glorious margarita, or two. Oh, I miss that already.
9. Bud Light.
Sadly, I do miss Bud Light. I'm not sure if its the beer or the time spent talking with friends that I associate with it. Does it matter?
10. Ping Pong Tournaments.
Massive ping pong tournaments that last for hours. I forgot how much fun that is and how, surprisingly, it gets my adrenaline running. I am looking for a ping pong league in Bangkok. I will join one if I can find it but I must admit that I am scared of Asian ping pong players.
I hope you are well and I will talk with you soon! XOXO
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Heading Back to BKK
I'm just sitting in the airport in Taiwan almost back to BKK after a long day of traveling... I had such a great time being home and getting to see everyone! I want to thank all of you for showing up and spending time with me- it means the world to me. It is so heartwarming to know that although things happen and people do change, that my relationships with those people don't. I have to admit that I was a bit surprised by how easy it was to slip right back into our common interactions. It makes me feel a little less separated which is really nice. I do have to say that leaving this time was much harder for me. I have found myself just breaking down in tears on this trip back to Bangkok because I am overwhelmed by the love and the special people I have in my life. I am truly blessed and it makes me sad to know that I won't be in physical contact with everyone for another year. It actually kind of hurts. That being said, I am excited to go back to Bangkok... I really do have some wonderful people and things there that make me happy. But I feel like this time, it's going to be a bit more work (which is both good an bad). I have broken down some internal walls and am still currently floundering in that spot. I am aware that this time is my opportunity to rebuild all of this and to learn myself more and more. I am scared and overwhelmed but excited none-the-less. I still have more to do here.
I am really looking forward to seeing Kim and to continuing our journey together. I love that we have made this huge leap of faith in ourselves and each other and that is so special to me. I am excited to continue exploring the world and to challenge myself in some very meaningful ways. It will be work but all of it will be rewarding. I am trying to stay focused on the process, not the outcome which means that everyday is something to be cherished.
Just know that all of you have a special place in my heart and I will do a much better job at blogging and staying in touch. :) I don't want to talk about how long it will be until I see you, but I do want to say that I am here for you too.
My love and admiration- XOXO
I am really looking forward to seeing Kim and to continuing our journey together. I love that we have made this huge leap of faith in ourselves and each other and that is so special to me. I am excited to continue exploring the world and to challenge myself in some very meaningful ways. It will be work but all of it will be rewarding. I am trying to stay focused on the process, not the outcome which means that everyday is something to be cherished.
Just know that all of you have a special place in my heart and I will do a much better job at blogging and staying in touch. :) I don't want to talk about how long it will be until I see you, but I do want to say that I am here for you too.
My love and admiration- XOXO
Friday, August 28, 2009
ATX Baby

As most of you know... I am coming home in September (the 16th-23rd to be exact) and I am so excited!!! I can't wait to see everyone and spend time with my loved ones and support group. I am looking forward to sharing laughs, catching up on the past 5 months and eating some Tex-Mex which is the food I miss the most. Although I am excited, I am a bit worried as well. I feel like I've finally hit my stride here in Bangkok- I like my job more and more, I have more free time on my hands, Kim just finished her CELTA today and I have managed to make some truly amazing friends. I am afraid that I will get homesick all over again when I get back and not be able to enjoy my moments here in the same way. That being said, I know it's an attitude and mostly within my control but I am scared that I am just not going to want to be here anymore. It's a small fear and I am trying to focus on the good times that I will have with everyone and when I am back in Thailand. For some strange reason, I know that I am supposed to be here and that my time in this beautiful country isn't done...
Now I'll delve into my experience here a bit more. I have finally gotten a better handle on how I approach my days and that has made a HUGE difference. I not only feel more comfortable with teaching (it has been 3 months since I started) but I am just having a lot more fun with it. If a lesson doesn't go perfectly, then I'm taking what I can from it in order to do a better job next time. My hours have dropped quite a bit so I have more free time to do things and finally get some sleep! I'm working out, reading, visiting new parts of the city and spending more time with friends. It's all proper fun (which is my new favorite phrase).
I went to Hua Hin, which is a beach where the King lives, for a day trip a couple of weeks ago and that was really nice. It was good to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and it actually made me appreciate Bangkok more. I (of course) got a weird sunburn, ran on the beach, drank a few beers and munched on fresh crab while there. I had my first bus experience in Thailand which is a lot like riding buses in Mexico and it was actually kind of fun, albeit hot.
That being said, I am still searching for balance in my life but I feel like I'm being much more honest with myself (and the people around me) than I've been able to do for a while now. I know that I am not going to teach English or live in Bangkok for the rest of my life, but I am finding my own sense of home in my skin and that has been so liberating. Life is pretty good right now so I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts and keep moving forward as best I can.
Love you all and can't wait to see you. The plan is to go to Polvo's on Saturday night and then to either the Mean Eyed Cat or G&S. Hope to see you all there! XOXO
Now I'll delve into my experience here a bit more. I have finally gotten a better handle on how I approach my days and that has made a HUGE difference. I not only feel more comfortable with teaching (it has been 3 months since I started) but I am just having a lot more fun with it. If a lesson doesn't go perfectly, then I'm taking what I can from it in order to do a better job next time. My hours have dropped quite a bit so I have more free time to do things and finally get some sleep! I'm working out, reading, visiting new parts of the city and spending more time with friends. It's all proper fun (which is my new favorite phrase).
I went to Hua Hin, which is a beach where the King lives, for a day trip a couple of weeks ago and that was really nice. It was good to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and it actually made me appreciate Bangkok more. I (of course) got a weird sunburn, ran on the beach, drank a few beers and munched on fresh crab while there. I had my first bus experience in Thailand which is a lot like riding buses in Mexico and it was actually kind of fun, albeit hot.
That being said, I am still searching for balance in my life but I feel like I'm being much more honest with myself (and the people around me) than I've been able to do for a while now. I know that I am not going to teach English or live in Bangkok for the rest of my life, but I am finding my own sense of home in my skin and that has been so liberating. Life is pretty good right now so I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts and keep moving forward as best I can.
Love you all and can't wait to see you. The plan is to go to Polvo's on Saturday night and then to either the Mean Eyed Cat or G&S. Hope to see you all there! XOXO
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thanks to everyone that has offered their support, warmth and love during my somewhat low and difficult times. You all have my admiration, devotion and ever-lasting friendship!
To update you about how I'm doing now- Well, I'm doing much better! Having Kim here has been a bit challenging (as predicted) but it has also been great! We are both getting used to have each other around again... then add in the fact that we're in a new city, with new jobs/studies and living together for the first time and its taking a bit of adjustment. :) But, it is so nice to have her here to explore Bangkok with, to share my everyday thoughts and to just chill out with after a long day, or week. She is about to finish the first week of her CELTA course and she's feeling stressed out by the workload. Having just been through it, I completely understand and I can't help but smile. I was SO THERE not long ago and I guess you just get through it, look back and have a little laugh about the good times and reflect on how much you've learned.
As far as the job goes... the situation hasn't gotten that much better but my attitude has. I am still working far too much but I am not putting as much pressure on myself. I am trying to just learn from it and have fun while doing so. I feel like I'm getting the hang of it a bit better but there are still extremely challenging moments. The whole thing has been great for me though! I have fully grasped the fact that my approach and mindframe is the largest contrubuting factor to happiness in any job (or life for that matter!). Of course there are other factors and I know this sounds really simple, but it has been something I've had to work really hard at accepting. It is quite liberating!
Bangkok is still a tough city to live in but I am getting more and more used to it all. I'm not as exhausted by the day anymore and I've managed to do some fun things as well. I hit golf balls at a driving range with friends yesterday, have seen a few movies, been bowling and I'm working out regularly. Last week, Kim and I went to Chinatown and visited Khao San Road (which is backpacker central and there are a lot of cool places like coffee shops and bars) and that was a lot of fun!
So, all in all, let's just say that I'm adjusting better. I have had a few moments in the past 2 weeks where I just think, 'I'm in Bangkok!' It intensely overwhelms me with strength, wonderment and pride. I can't believe that I actually did this and I become even more determined to enjoy each moment as much as possible.
I miss everyone a lot but know that I think about you all of the time. I hope you are all doing well and surviving the heat!
To update you about how I'm doing now- Well, I'm doing much better! Having Kim here has been a bit challenging (as predicted) but it has also been great! We are both getting used to have each other around again... then add in the fact that we're in a new city, with new jobs/studies and living together for the first time and its taking a bit of adjustment. :) But, it is so nice to have her here to explore Bangkok with, to share my everyday thoughts and to just chill out with after a long day, or week. She is about to finish the first week of her CELTA course and she's feeling stressed out by the workload. Having just been through it, I completely understand and I can't help but smile. I was SO THERE not long ago and I guess you just get through it, look back and have a little laugh about the good times and reflect on how much you've learned.
As far as the job goes... the situation hasn't gotten that much better but my attitude has. I am still working far too much but I am not putting as much pressure on myself. I am trying to just learn from it and have fun while doing so. I feel like I'm getting the hang of it a bit better but there are still extremely challenging moments. The whole thing has been great for me though! I have fully grasped the fact that my approach and mindframe is the largest contrubuting factor to happiness in any job (or life for that matter!). Of course there are other factors and I know this sounds really simple, but it has been something I've had to work really hard at accepting. It is quite liberating!
Bangkok is still a tough city to live in but I am getting more and more used to it all. I'm not as exhausted by the day anymore and I've managed to do some fun things as well. I hit golf balls at a driving range with friends yesterday, have seen a few movies, been bowling and I'm working out regularly. Last week, Kim and I went to Chinatown and visited Khao San Road (which is backpacker central and there are a lot of cool places like coffee shops and bars) and that was a lot of fun!
So, all in all, let's just say that I'm adjusting better. I have had a few moments in the past 2 weeks where I just think, 'I'm in Bangkok!' It intensely overwhelms me with strength, wonderment and pride. I can't believe that I actually did this and I become even more determined to enjoy each moment as much as possible.
I miss everyone a lot but know that I think about you all of the time. I hope you are all doing well and surviving the heat!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
New Blog!!!

First of all, let me apologize for how long it has been since I last blogged. The reasons will become clear as you read on. :)
Life has been a bit difficult for me lately... Teaching is really hard and if I thought I was getting into a job that would allow me to work less hours than real estate, then I was mistaken. I worked 58 hours in 6 days this past week! Just teaching, in it of itself, is very challenging even without the crazy hours. I have endured being fired by a student (for being boring!) along with having one throw a tantrum and leave the classroom. She is 7 and refused to do anything- it was so bad that she said she didn't want to sit or stand. What do you do with that?- As it turns out she had a 100 degree temperature and was incredibly sick which is why she acted as she did, but still... It hit me pretty hard. All of this forced my insecurities and doubts to manifest into something utterly unavoidable. I have been on the move and doing so many things for the past few months that I was easily distracted from such things. I got to a point where I couldn't pull that off any longer and I was very low for while because of it.
It all started with my birthday... It was the first one I can recall that was not only away from my twin (which is HUGE) but also from my friends, family and support group. I had a few friends from my CELTA course here (one of whom traveled from Chiang Mai and that made me feel very special) and my work friends. We all went out and had a really good time but it was frankly, a bit empty. I am still getting to know these people so I couldn't just let loose and be me, which is something I desperately craved. Then, a bunch of my friends from back home (you know who you are! XOXO) and I had a Skype chat where they took shots with me at 8 am their time and we talked for almost an hour. What an amazing experience! I was so touched and overwhelmed by the love they have for me. It was amazing and hard at the same time. It made me miss everyone a lot and I had to get off at the end before I just started crying because I was so moved by it all. After that, Tiff, Kim and Liz made a cardboard cutout of me and took pictures around Austin of all my favorite places as if I was there. Wow! It was THE sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me and it made me so happy but exacerbated my desire to be home. Those next few weeks were filled with longing, loneliness and quite a bit of questioning as to what I'm doing here.
I finally got to a place where I became comfortable with the idea that I am here because I want to experience something else in my life. There is no doubt that the separation has made me recognize and appreciate what I have that much more. What a beautiful gift! I am slowly becoming more capable, knowledgable and able to teach English effectively. I'm making friends and am setting into life in Bangkok decently. There were a few weeks where seemingly almost anything could break me- be it waiting for mutliple trains to get to work, 7-11 not having an orange Fanta when I really wanted one, having to leave to get more water or not being able to sleep. I was breakable, no doubt, but somehow I always knew that I had enough in me to not break completely, and the thought of all the people back home that have my back kept me going.
I wouldn't say that I'm in a perfect place now- life is still challenging- but I feel good about where I'm at and I'm determined to live this experience to the fullest, whatever form it may come in. Kim gets here in 2 days which has assuaged my thoughts of loneliness and homesickness tremendously. However, I know that will bring its own set of hurdles to overcome. For better or worse, I have grown accustomed to my individual lifestyle and it will be a transition for me to re-write that. Through all of this, she has been my rock. Someone to talk to when I'm at my lowest that offers support, kind words and never-ending admiration of the person I am. That cannot be quantified in any sort of way and means the world to me. I really can't wait for this phase of my (slash our!) trip. :)
There is no doubt in my mind that I am blessed to have so many beautiful people in my life! Know that I think about you lovingly and often. I wish you all nothing less than happiness in every moment. And here is a big thank you for who you are and what you do for me!!!!
Life has been a bit difficult for me lately... Teaching is really hard and if I thought I was getting into a job that would allow me to work less hours than real estate, then I was mistaken. I worked 58 hours in 6 days this past week! Just teaching, in it of itself, is very challenging even without the crazy hours. I have endured being fired by a student (for being boring!) along with having one throw a tantrum and leave the classroom. She is 7 and refused to do anything- it was so bad that she said she didn't want to sit or stand. What do you do with that?- As it turns out she had a 100 degree temperature and was incredibly sick which is why she acted as she did, but still... It hit me pretty hard. All of this forced my insecurities and doubts to manifest into something utterly unavoidable. I have been on the move and doing so many things for the past few months that I was easily distracted from such things. I got to a point where I couldn't pull that off any longer and I was very low for while because of it.
It all started with my birthday... It was the first one I can recall that was not only away from my twin (which is HUGE) but also from my friends, family and support group. I had a few friends from my CELTA course here (one of whom traveled from Chiang Mai and that made me feel very special) and my work friends. We all went out and had a really good time but it was frankly, a bit empty. I am still getting to know these people so I couldn't just let loose and be me, which is something I desperately craved. Then, a bunch of my friends from back home (you know who you are! XOXO) and I had a Skype chat where they took shots with me at 8 am their time and we talked for almost an hour. What an amazing experience! I was so touched and overwhelmed by the love they have for me. It was amazing and hard at the same time. It made me miss everyone a lot and I had to get off at the end before I just started crying because I was so moved by it all. After that, Tiff, Kim and Liz made a cardboard cutout of me and took pictures around Austin of all my favorite places as if I was there. Wow! It was THE sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me and it made me so happy but exacerbated my desire to be home. Those next few weeks were filled with longing, loneliness and quite a bit of questioning as to what I'm doing here.
I finally got to a place where I became comfortable with the idea that I am here because I want to experience something else in my life. There is no doubt that the separation has made me recognize and appreciate what I have that much more. What a beautiful gift! I am slowly becoming more capable, knowledgable and able to teach English effectively. I'm making friends and am setting into life in Bangkok decently. There were a few weeks where seemingly almost anything could break me- be it waiting for mutliple trains to get to work, 7-11 not having an orange Fanta when I really wanted one, having to leave to get more water or not being able to sleep. I was breakable, no doubt, but somehow I always knew that I had enough in me to not break completely, and the thought of all the people back home that have my back kept me going.
I wouldn't say that I'm in a perfect place now- life is still challenging- but I feel good about where I'm at and I'm determined to live this experience to the fullest, whatever form it may come in. Kim gets here in 2 days which has assuaged my thoughts of loneliness and homesickness tremendously. However, I know that will bring its own set of hurdles to overcome. For better or worse, I have grown accustomed to my individual lifestyle and it will be a transition for me to re-write that. Through all of this, she has been my rock. Someone to talk to when I'm at my lowest that offers support, kind words and never-ending admiration of the person I am. That cannot be quantified in any sort of way and means the world to me. I really can't wait for this phase of my (slash our!) trip. :)
There is no doubt in my mind that I am blessed to have so many beautiful people in my life! Know that I think about you lovingly and often. I wish you all nothing less than happiness in every moment. And here is a big thank you for who you are and what you do for me!!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bangkok is a massive city- in fact, its one of the largest in the world with over 13 million people. The city doesn't sleep and there are people milling about at all times of day but even so, the traffic is horrendous! I am so glad they have a good mass transportation system that can navigate one-way-or-the-other around the mess. Otherwise, the city would be miserable.
I have been thrown right into teaching and will start this weekend with 6, 1.5+ hour classes. This may not sound like a lot but to a new teacher, there is a lot of planning that goes into every lesson. I have been at work everyday just preparing for the weekend. I have also been trying to find a place to live which is quite a bit overwhelming because not only do I not know the city, but I don't speak the language. I think I am going to find some short-term accommodation while I figure it out and not stress about it too much.
Today was interesting... I wanted to pick up a package my Mom sent me from DHL. It got commandeered at the airport and I had to go there (which is 45 minutes away from anything) and clear customs before I could receive it. It ended up taking me 3 hours in total! I had to go through no less than 8 security check points and even received a clearance badge for the day. The funny thing is that they didn't take my mace. Hehe. I'm not sure if the Thais know what mace is because I accidentally flew with it once without a problem as well.
I have wondered around the city trying to learn and figure it out and am just overwhelmed with curiosity and excitement. I really do love it here! I know I will be happy living here for a year and look forward to getting used to it.
In the meantime, I want to go ahead and list my top 10 curiosities about BKK:
1) How do they fit 7 people in a Tuk-Tuk? (Think pedi-cab but motorized and with 3 wheels- it's small though!)
2) Why do the girls wear huge heels if they're going to walk all day?
3) Is it really humanly possible to eat something that spicy without sweating, crying, or both?
4) How many "Nana" couples can you spot in one day? ("Nana" means older farang man with a younger Thai lady.)
5) Where did the cement on my shoe come from? And more importantly, did I leave a footprint?
6) Where is the mother of that unattended kid begging near the subway?
7) How are you not sweating in this sweltering heat?
8) What exactly is that you want me to eat??!?!?!?!
9) Is it really that terrible to eat McDonald's?
10) What part of "kor toyt ka, mai ow ka" (I'm sorry, I do not want) don't you understand?????
Hope you are all well. I miss and think about you a lot!
I have been thrown right into teaching and will start this weekend with 6, 1.5+ hour classes. This may not sound like a lot but to a new teacher, there is a lot of planning that goes into every lesson. I have been at work everyday just preparing for the weekend. I have also been trying to find a place to live which is quite a bit overwhelming because not only do I not know the city, but I don't speak the language. I think I am going to find some short-term accommodation while I figure it out and not stress about it too much.
Today was interesting... I wanted to pick up a package my Mom sent me from DHL. It got commandeered at the airport and I had to go there (which is 45 minutes away from anything) and clear customs before I could receive it. It ended up taking me 3 hours in total! I had to go through no less than 8 security check points and even received a clearance badge for the day. The funny thing is that they didn't take my mace. Hehe. I'm not sure if the Thais know what mace is because I accidentally flew with it once without a problem as well.
I have wondered around the city trying to learn and figure it out and am just overwhelmed with curiosity and excitement. I really do love it here! I know I will be happy living here for a year and look forward to getting used to it.
In the meantime, I want to go ahead and list my top 10 curiosities about BKK:
1) How do they fit 7 people in a Tuk-Tuk? (Think pedi-cab but motorized and with 3 wheels- it's small though!)
2) Why do the girls wear huge heels if they're going to walk all day?
3) Is it really humanly possible to eat something that spicy without sweating, crying, or both?
4) How many "Nana" couples can you spot in one day? ("Nana" means older farang man with a younger Thai lady.)
5) Where did the cement on my shoe come from? And more importantly, did I leave a footprint?
6) Where is the mother of that unattended kid begging near the subway?
7) How are you not sweating in this sweltering heat?
8) What exactly is that you want me to eat??!?!?!?!
9) Is it really that terrible to eat McDonald's?
10) What part of "kor toyt ka, mai ow ka" (I'm sorry, I do not want) don't you understand?????
Hope you are all well. I miss and think about you a lot!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Phew!!!! I finished my CELTA course today and I passed! It was a lot of hard work but I am glad that I did it. It definitely helped prepare me and I was even able to secure a job before I finished the course. We had a big party last night with the students where they brought us local food, danced, gave us gifts and we gave them certificates. I actually ate a fried cockroach which I've never done before. It wasn't that bad but I don't plan on making it a habit...
I accepted a teaching position in Bangkok at International House ( They actually put on the CELTA course so I know that the school is well-run. My biggest fear has been accepting a job where they school doesn't deliver on their promises (or payment) so having this peace of mind is invaluable to me. I am going to be paid 35,000 Baht/month for the first two months and then it increases to 40,000 Baht/Month. That may sound like a lot but it is actually $1,026 and $1,173/month. Surprisingly, it puts me in the middle class here in Thailand!
I am excited but also sad to leave all of my friends here in Chiang Mai. We have grown really close, having spent so much time together over the past month. I have actually cried a few tears just thinking about it. I am avoiding the task of packing because the reality of the move is a bit scary. I don't really know anyone in Bangkok and I will have to create a life of my own, in a foreign place where I don't speak the language. I'm sure I'll be fine- Bangkok is a very international city where people speak English a lot- but the customs are different and they hike up the prices for Farang so I will have to get used to that and figure the city out.
It's still really hot but the rainy season starts soon which should help the weather cool down. I am excited for my last weekend of freedom before I start work. It has been a 3 months since I have worked and I really enjoyed my holiday. But, it's time to start making some money again. :)
I love and miss you all and will blog again once I'm in BKK. XOXO
I accepted a teaching position in Bangkok at International House ( They actually put on the CELTA course so I know that the school is well-run. My biggest fear has been accepting a job where they school doesn't deliver on their promises (or payment) so having this peace of mind is invaluable to me. I am going to be paid 35,000 Baht/month for the first two months and then it increases to 40,000 Baht/Month. That may sound like a lot but it is actually $1,026 and $1,173/month. Surprisingly, it puts me in the middle class here in Thailand!
I am excited but also sad to leave all of my friends here in Chiang Mai. We have grown really close, having spent so much time together over the past month. I have actually cried a few tears just thinking about it. I am avoiding the task of packing because the reality of the move is a bit scary. I don't really know anyone in Bangkok and I will have to create a life of my own, in a foreign place where I don't speak the language. I'm sure I'll be fine- Bangkok is a very international city where people speak English a lot- but the customs are different and they hike up the prices for Farang so I will have to get used to that and figure the city out.
It's still really hot but the rainy season starts soon which should help the weather cool down. I am excited for my last weekend of freedom before I start work. It has been a 3 months since I have worked and I really enjoyed my holiday. But, it's time to start making some money again. :)
I love and miss you all and will blog again once I'm in BKK. XOXO
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Hang Dong
I am staying at a hotel/resort in a town outside of Hang Dong (yes, that's the name), which is outside of Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chiang Mai is the second biggest city in Thailand and some say the cultural center. It has a bit of Austin flavor as there is a river in the heart of the city, lined with cool clubs and amazing restaurants. There are a lot of outdoor pubs with hanging lights and it has a generally laid back atmosphere. I haven't been able to explore as much as I would like because the course is so intense, but what I have seen, I have really enjoyed. I am staying in Chiang Mai proper the weekend after my course is over, and one of my new friends is going to take me to a lake where people hang out, drink beer and relax (like the greenbelt). I'm also going to see the Pandas at the Chiang Mai Zoo and I am so excited! There are rumors that the female panda might be pregnant!
The course continues to be very intense but I am learning so much and I am happy that I am taking it. I was able to get out of the grounds last Sunday and went for a walk. I guess I was excited because I didn't stop walking- I explored over 9 miles and was gone for more than 5 hours! I ate pizza twice because I had an intense craving for western food. I had a prisciutto and arugula (or rocket as they call it here) pizza which is my absolute favorite and it was delicious. I will say that Thai food is very good and I don't really tire of it... I just need my pizza fix every now and again. I found a go-cart track where I raced a couple of 7/8 year-old kids. Let me just say that they don't have governors on their go-carts here and those suckers go FAST! I got my ass kicked by the kids because I was too scared to go that fast. I had some amazing ice cream, found some good wine and had an all-around great day. It was so nice to see something new... I've felt kind of stuck here. It would have been perfect if I hadn't gotten huge, 1 inch blisters on both of my feet. They are just now starting to feel ok, but it was totally worth it!
Tomorrow is Friday and it is the end of my third week in the course, which means I only have one more left! Then, it's off to Bangkok to find a job and a place to live and really start my new life in Thailand. It is going to be weird because I have grown accustomed to my new friends and fellow teachers whom I see everyday. Not knowing anyone in as big of a city as BKK is a bit daunting but I know I will meet people at my job and hopefully have someone to hang out with! I am also looking forward to finding some place to volunteer. The Thai people are so warm and accommodating that I just can't help but want to give something back. I miss the street food from Bangkok as well. I know that's weird but it's definitely the best bang for your buck, quality and price-wise, of any food I've ever encountered.
One more lesson to part with: instant coffee is all they have here and Folgers is considered premium. I thought I was a coffee snob before I left, but I think Thailand will change that. Just. Need. Caffeine.
Love you all!
The course continues to be very intense but I am learning so much and I am happy that I am taking it. I was able to get out of the grounds last Sunday and went for a walk. I guess I was excited because I didn't stop walking- I explored over 9 miles and was gone for more than 5 hours! I ate pizza twice because I had an intense craving for western food. I had a prisciutto and arugula (or rocket as they call it here) pizza which is my absolute favorite and it was delicious. I will say that Thai food is very good and I don't really tire of it... I just need my pizza fix every now and again. I found a go-cart track where I raced a couple of 7/8 year-old kids. Let me just say that they don't have governors on their go-carts here and those suckers go FAST! I got my ass kicked by the kids because I was too scared to go that fast. I had some amazing ice cream, found some good wine and had an all-around great day. It was so nice to see something new... I've felt kind of stuck here. It would have been perfect if I hadn't gotten huge, 1 inch blisters on both of my feet. They are just now starting to feel ok, but it was totally worth it!
Tomorrow is Friday and it is the end of my third week in the course, which means I only have one more left! Then, it's off to Bangkok to find a job and a place to live and really start my new life in Thailand. It is going to be weird because I have grown accustomed to my new friends and fellow teachers whom I see everyday. Not knowing anyone in as big of a city as BKK is a bit daunting but I know I will meet people at my job and hopefully have someone to hang out with! I am also looking forward to finding some place to volunteer. The Thai people are so warm and accommodating that I just can't help but want to give something back. I miss the street food from Bangkok as well. I know that's weird but it's definitely the best bang for your buck, quality and price-wise, of any food I've ever encountered.
One more lesson to part with: instant coffee is all they have here and Folgers is considered premium. I thought I was a coffee snob before I left, but I think Thailand will change that. Just. Need. Caffeine.
Love you all!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Everyone in Thailand calls mosquitoes 'mozzies.' I have no idea where it comes from but I have picked it up, mostly to just seem cool. A few of them got in my room the other day and waged war on me in the middle of the night. It turns out that I am severely allergic to the mosquitoes here and I look like I got in a fight... that I lost. My left ear lobe is really swollen, I have a huge bump on the back of my neck and no right ankle due to the swelling from almost 10 massive bites. I am self-medicating with benadryl and hydrocortizone so I have been groggy as hell to boot. But, I have managed to pull through and am still on top of my course-work and am starting to have some fun teaching. I just hope my body gets used to the mozzies soon! (Just so you know- I don't have a fever and I'm not sick so there is no dengue fever or malaria to report, as of yet.)
The course is quite challenging and carries a high work load but I imagine part of the difficulty is because I'm coming of a 2 month holiday where I didn't have to do much of anything... Except have fun, and that's easy! It's hard but I'm learning a lot and I'm so glad that I'm doing it. Going into a teaching job completely unprepared would be miserable because I would have no idea what I was doing. I'm slowly picking up techniques and gaining confidence which makes me happy!
I am lucky enough to have a girl in my class that has been in Chiang Mai for 18 months. She took us out on Friday night to two really cool places! One was called 'Fabrique' and it had outdoor tables on grass with bean bags and two dance floors- one with dance music, the other with hip hop (where I heard some JT!)- and it was a lot of fun. I didn't get to bed until 5 am and my personal opinion is that not closing clubs at 2 am is criminal. We're all drunk anyway and nothing good happens after 2 am!
There is a lady in my course that swears she has never been drunk... Little does she know that we are now all on a mission to change that! I also don't believe anyone that claims to have never been drunk at some point in their life. I think that they just weren't as drunk as everyone else!
Life is a bit boring here but I am settling into my daily routine... I am working out regularly and eating quite well. It is also nice to sleep in the same bed every night. I am looking forward to my move to Bangkok which happens in 3 weeks. I am excited to explore the city more and to really settle down for a while. Also, the weather is starting to cool down which has been welcomed on my part. Even though I have now been in tropical weather for months, I still have no tan to show for it. I guess it's official- I only have two colors and it's white and red. :)
The course is quite challenging and carries a high work load but I imagine part of the difficulty is because I'm coming of a 2 month holiday where I didn't have to do much of anything... Except have fun, and that's easy! It's hard but I'm learning a lot and I'm so glad that I'm doing it. Going into a teaching job completely unprepared would be miserable because I would have no idea what I was doing. I'm slowly picking up techniques and gaining confidence which makes me happy!
I am lucky enough to have a girl in my class that has been in Chiang Mai for 18 months. She took us out on Friday night to two really cool places! One was called 'Fabrique' and it had outdoor tables on grass with bean bags and two dance floors- one with dance music, the other with hip hop (where I heard some JT!)- and it was a lot of fun. I didn't get to bed until 5 am and my personal opinion is that not closing clubs at 2 am is criminal. We're all drunk anyway and nothing good happens after 2 am!
There is a lady in my course that swears she has never been drunk... Little does she know that we are now all on a mission to change that! I also don't believe anyone that claims to have never been drunk at some point in their life. I think that they just weren't as drunk as everyone else!
Life is a bit boring here but I am settling into my daily routine... I am working out regularly and eating quite well. It is also nice to sleep in the same bed every night. I am looking forward to my move to Bangkok which happens in 3 weeks. I am excited to explore the city more and to really settle down for a while. Also, the weather is starting to cool down which has been welcomed on my part. Even though I have now been in tropical weather for months, I still have no tan to show for it. I guess it's official- I only have two colors and it's white and red. :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm finally in Chiang Mai for my course after a month of intense traveling. I didn't stay in one place for longer than 4 or 5 days and although that sounds unsettling, it was really quite the opposite. I became comfortable with the idea that every day held a new experience and each moment was to be taken advantage of. The thought of staying in the same place for 30 days has hit me in a surprising way... Perhaps it's slowing down and having a moment alone with my thoughts, or perhaps it's the fact that this new life I have chosen is now a reality. Honestly its probably both, but I have found that this time for reflection has helped some of my fears come to light and now I can deal with them. Kim has been amazing through all of this- compassionate and understanding but firm with her needs at the same time. She has all of my admiration and deserves everything I could give her and more. I can't wait for her to be here in Thailand!
I am feeling excited about my course and becoming a teacher. The hardest thing for me to deal with is feeling unprepared and incompetent going into each day. I taught for the first time tonight, even though the course started yesterday, and it was quite the challenge but also a lot of fun! The kids are wonderful- eager, patient and understanding of the fact that we are new teachers and won't get it perfect right away. It was interesting to see techniques that work, or don't, and I have found that I will have to become a lot more dramatic and animated. Who would have thought I could find a profession that required more of these things from me??? I felt like I did horribly but everyone said I looked relaxed and they had no idea that things didn't go as planned. I guess I fooled them! :)
I have had a great time so far and can't believe that I have seen and done so much already. Climbing the Harbour Bridge in Sydney is probably my favorite thing that I have done so far. The view was gorgeous and as I reached the summit, a huge rainbow appeared just over the Opera House. It was perfect! I met so many nice people, ate amazing food, drank great beer (and I swear there's more alcohol in it) and fell in love with Sydney's culture. I plan on going back some day but for now, I am excited to learn more about Eastern culture and "The Land of Smiles," as Thailand is known, and to just enjoy my new home.
I'm sending you all hugs and kisses! XOXO
I am feeling excited about my course and becoming a teacher. The hardest thing for me to deal with is feeling unprepared and incompetent going into each day. I taught for the first time tonight, even though the course started yesterday, and it was quite the challenge but also a lot of fun! The kids are wonderful- eager, patient and understanding of the fact that we are new teachers and won't get it perfect right away. It was interesting to see techniques that work, or don't, and I have found that I will have to become a lot more dramatic and animated. Who would have thought I could find a profession that required more of these things from me??? I felt like I did horribly but everyone said I looked relaxed and they had no idea that things didn't go as planned. I guess I fooled them! :)
I have had a great time so far and can't believe that I have seen and done so much already. Climbing the Harbour Bridge in Sydney is probably my favorite thing that I have done so far. The view was gorgeous and as I reached the summit, a huge rainbow appeared just over the Opera House. It was perfect! I met so many nice people, ate amazing food, drank great beer (and I swear there's more alcohol in it) and fell in love with Sydney's culture. I plan on going back some day but for now, I am excited to learn more about Eastern culture and "The Land of Smiles," as Thailand is known, and to just enjoy my new home.
I'm sending you all hugs and kisses! XOXO
Sunday, April 19, 2009
So, I'm now in Sydney and Parker has gone home after our trip in Thailand which was amazing! Parker is so chill and relaxed that he was the perfect person to travel with. We almost always wanted to do the same things so it worked out very well. We went on a few boat tours and explored several islands. It involved some of the most amazing snorkeling of my life. I ended up getting scared because of all of the fish that were swarming around me. I had to get back in the boat when I saw one poop right in front of me... It was really strange because we then made eye contact and I didn't know quite what to do.
Anyway, we never made it out of the airport in Bangkok because of the protests and violence going on there. We decided to stay in Phuket a bit longer instead which was a blast. We were able to celebrate "Songkran" which is the Thai New Year and it is honestly an all out water fight. There is a road that is kind of like 6th Street or New Orleans were the Farang engaged in a fierce water battle. Parker and I both made the mistake of wearing jeans that night which wasn't fun at all. The next day, we were able to celebrate with the Thais and they were much nicer and it was way more fun. Apparently, Songkran is a festival inspired by the annual cleansing of the image of Buddha in order to get rid of impurities. Thai people wash each other with water, put paste on your face and wish each other good fortune for the year. It really was quite the experience!
I am now in Sydney and I love it here! It is such a laid back city and the people are extremely nice. I am fortunate enough to have a friend that took me around all weekend to the sights and out to the cool clubs. She knew people that could get us into all of the swanky, hip clubs so I experienced "the scene" in Sydney. Lots of pretty people and party excess but good times none-the-less. I am taking today to recover because I just can't hang with the Aussies- they really can drink! I am staying in a hostel here because it is SO expensive in Sydney and the girls in my dorm make me look lame by comparison. They keep showing up around 6/7 in the morning with stories of almost getting arrested, various hook-ups and just general drunken debauchery. It is funny because I am the quiet one here. If only they knew how many beer bongs I did at my going away party!
I am gearing up for my return to Thailand in order to start my course. I am both nervous and excited because it is going to be challenging but I am ready to engage my mind again and start this new path in my life.
I must admit that I am getting homesick and I miss my girlfriend, family and friends. I am sending you all my love!
Anyway, we never made it out of the airport in Bangkok because of the protests and violence going on there. We decided to stay in Phuket a bit longer instead which was a blast. We were able to celebrate "Songkran" which is the Thai New Year and it is honestly an all out water fight. There is a road that is kind of like 6th Street or New Orleans were the Farang engaged in a fierce water battle. Parker and I both made the mistake of wearing jeans that night which wasn't fun at all. The next day, we were able to celebrate with the Thais and they were much nicer and it was way more fun. Apparently, Songkran is a festival inspired by the annual cleansing of the image of Buddha in order to get rid of impurities. Thai people wash each other with water, put paste on your face and wish each other good fortune for the year. It really was quite the experience!
I am now in Sydney and I love it here! It is such a laid back city and the people are extremely nice. I am fortunate enough to have a friend that took me around all weekend to the sights and out to the cool clubs. She knew people that could get us into all of the swanky, hip clubs so I experienced "the scene" in Sydney. Lots of pretty people and party excess but good times none-the-less. I am taking today to recover because I just can't hang with the Aussies- they really can drink! I am staying in a hostel here because it is SO expensive in Sydney and the girls in my dorm make me look lame by comparison. They keep showing up around 6/7 in the morning with stories of almost getting arrested, various hook-ups and just general drunken debauchery. It is funny because I am the quiet one here. If only they knew how many beer bongs I did at my going away party!
I am gearing up for my return to Thailand in order to start my course. I am both nervous and excited because it is going to be challenging but I am ready to engage my mind again and start this new path in my life.
I must admit that I am getting homesick and I miss my girlfriend, family and friends. I am sending you all my love!
Monday, April 13, 2009
We're Fine!
Just a quick post to let everyone know that Parker and I have decided not to go to Bangkok. We are staying in Phuket instead so that we can avoid the protests. We are having fun and enjoying the trip so far! :)
Love you.
Love you.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Halong Bay

This will likely be my last blog for a while as I'm leaving Vietnam tomorrow and don't anticipate having internet access in Thailand. It has been raining all day but I did manage to get some sight-seeing in and I'm so glad that I did. I visited the Ho Chi Minh Masoleum and Museum and these places are quite impressive. I feel like I'm finally hitting my stride here as I didn't get lost once today, I successfully thwarted off several banana ladies (even though I had to practice ninja-like moves to do so because they literally toss them on your shoulder) and I've become accustomed to taking photos with Vietnamese people. I feel like I'm some sort of Ambassador from the West even though I have found that telling people I'm Canadian is just easier.
I was able to take a tour of Halong Bay yesterday which is one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. It was absolutely amazing! Words really can't describe how beautiful it was. Not to mention that I was able to have transportation to and from the Bay (3 hours each way), a tour on a junk (kind of like a sail boat with a motor), have a fresh seafood lunch, tour an amazing cave and kayak all for $25! I am including a photo I found online for you to get an idea of what it looks like. I really can't believe how cheap it is in Vietnam- I haven't spent over $3/meal and the food is amazing!
Everyone is so nice here but I get the distinct feeling that they reply 'Yes' to whatever you ask... I only realized this when I was asked to get another cab (gently of course) because the driver couldn't understand where I was asking him to go. It would have been funnier if it wasn't pouring down rain at the time.
All that said, I am excited to meet up with Parker in Thailand tomorrow. I am getting a bit lonely even though I have met some amazing people thus far and am really enjoying it here. There is just something very different about sharing the experience with someone else.
Love you!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So, I know it is weird that I am blogging again considering I am in a new country and shouldn't have this much time. But, I am here by myself, it is night, it's raining and I have to get up early. Since I had a bit of time, I thought I would at least write a little something...
First of all, my luggage finally arrived! It feels so good to be in a full set of clean clothes. Washing stuff in the sink just doesn't really cut it and being able to wash your hair isn't something I would like to consider a luxury. Either way, all is good now and I'm feeling great! I think I am most excited for ear plugs so that I can hopefully get a longer stretch of sleep tonight.
Hanoi is a crazy city, full of motorbikes, people and stuff. Every place you pass is selling something and I'm starting to get pretty good at saying, 'No.' The most interesting thing I have noticed is the pace of life here- there doesn't seem to be a middle. It seems that people are either in a hurry to get somewhere or are doing absolutely nothing. I am more inclined to model after the slower pace but that is taking some getting used to. I welcome this new lifestyle and look forward to settling into it. This is something I would like to keep with me permanently as I have struggled in the recent past with just letting go, calming down and being ok with things as they happen.
Since I have no one to talk to, I've had a lot of time to observe and here are my top 10 lessons for the day:
1. Walking on the sidewalk is not an option- there are too many motorbikes parked there. So, I have learned to walk in the street and have become decently comfortable with it.
2. Motorbikes and cyclists will dodge you, cars and buses will not.
3. If you are at a busy intersection and want to cross, the best way to do so is to walk next to an elderly lady (my rationale is that there is no way a driver would hit her!) and she will inevitably take your hand and ensure that you cross safely.
4. If you are a male, no matter what age, peeing in the street is ok as long as it is in certain places. I witnessed a Mom holding her baby above a drain in the street so that he could pee. This brings me to #5...
5. Sometimes the toilets really are holes in the ground. The good news is that they at least have a door. (Just in case you were wondering, no I did not use one of these, I decided to hold it.)
6. It turns out that when Vietnamese teenagers ask you to take their picture, they do not actually want you to take a photo of them. They want to take one WITH you.
7. Only white people ride the pedicaps and they look silly.
8. Beer Hanoi is actually pretty good and definitely the cheapest. Score!
9. A competitive game of table tennis can be quite intriguing when you don't have any place to be.
and 10. If you think you're going in circles, odds are good that you really are.
First of all, my luggage finally arrived! It feels so good to be in a full set of clean clothes. Washing stuff in the sink just doesn't really cut it and being able to wash your hair isn't something I would like to consider a luxury. Either way, all is good now and I'm feeling great! I think I am most excited for ear plugs so that I can hopefully get a longer stretch of sleep tonight.
Hanoi is a crazy city, full of motorbikes, people and stuff. Every place you pass is selling something and I'm starting to get pretty good at saying, 'No.' The most interesting thing I have noticed is the pace of life here- there doesn't seem to be a middle. It seems that people are either in a hurry to get somewhere or are doing absolutely nothing. I am more inclined to model after the slower pace but that is taking some getting used to. I welcome this new lifestyle and look forward to settling into it. This is something I would like to keep with me permanently as I have struggled in the recent past with just letting go, calming down and being ok with things as they happen.
Since I have no one to talk to, I've had a lot of time to observe and here are my top 10 lessons for the day:
1. Walking on the sidewalk is not an option- there are too many motorbikes parked there. So, I have learned to walk in the street and have become decently comfortable with it.
2. Motorbikes and cyclists will dodge you, cars and buses will not.
3. If you are at a busy intersection and want to cross, the best way to do so is to walk next to an elderly lady (my rationale is that there is no way a driver would hit her!) and she will inevitably take your hand and ensure that you cross safely.
4. If you are a male, no matter what age, peeing in the street is ok as long as it is in certain places. I witnessed a Mom holding her baby above a drain in the street so that he could pee. This brings me to #5...
5. Sometimes the toilets really are holes in the ground. The good news is that they at least have a door. (Just in case you were wondering, no I did not use one of these, I decided to hold it.)
6. It turns out that when Vietnamese teenagers ask you to take their picture, they do not actually want you to take a photo of them. They want to take one WITH you.
7. Only white people ride the pedicaps and they look silly.
8. Beer Hanoi is actually pretty good and definitely the cheapest. Score!
9. A competitive game of table tennis can be quite intriguing when you don't have any place to be.
and 10. If you think you're going in circles, odds are good that you really are.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I wanted to post now because I have free internet in my room and I don't know when that will happen again! Pardon any typos, bad punctuation or spelling- the keyboard is a little weird and I'm trying to get used to it.
I am finally at my destination of Hanoi although it has already been an interesting trip. It started with a call from Parker Friday morning at 5:30 am letting me know that he couldn't get on the flight to Hanoi. Long story short, he needed a Visa, which we were told he didn't, and he isn't going to make it to Vietnam. The good news is that he is now going to do some traveling around Thailand while I'm here and we will meet up on Friday in Bangkok to enjoy Thailand together. Anyway, now I see that this was a signal for things to come... My flight from DFW was delayed several hours and I had to be put on another flight to Hong Kong (my connection city from Los Angeles) which I barely made. I, of course, ended up sitting next to the biggest person on the plane and am sore from all of the weird positions I had to sit in because he was basically in my seat the whole eï hour flight. Needless to say, the Ambien only worked for 5 hours and the rest was filled with watching movies, reading and just general excitement.
I made it to Hong Kong with more than enough time to catch my flight to Hanoi (10 hours to be exact) so I had breakfast and a beer and then went to my gate to wait it out. Somewhere in there I managed to fall asleep and miss my flight all together. I woke up just as it was leaving the gate! I was able to re-book for the following day at 2:55 pm (which is a full 3 1/2 days after I left and 20 hours after my originally scheduled flight) and resigned myself to staying in the hotel airport. It turns out that they only had rooms on the penthouse available so I ended up staying in the nicest hotel room of my life. They greeted me as I got off the elevator and carried my stuff to the room- bizarre! Honestly, I really didn't care- I was just so excited for a bed- but the plush robe and slippers sure were nice.
I woke up stupid early (4 am) because of the time difference and spent quite a bit more time in the airport. Just so you know, Starbucks tastes the same everywhere and I hope we travel to Hong Kong when we're on the Amazing Race because I know that airport backwards and forwards.
I finally made it to Hanoi but my luggage wasn't so lucky; even though I had a full day lay over in Hong Kong, it is still in LA. I feel like I won because I beat it here (that's for you Shawn, Laura and CJ) which is a minor victory but I'll take it. Hanoi is interesting- very crowded, bustling with life and full of motorbikes (and apparently it is ok to text while driving a motorbike even though there are no stop signs, traffic signals or anything- weird). Everyone has been very friendly and welcoming which has made all of this much more pleasant. If one was to add up all of the things that went wrong, it would probably equal a nightmare trip but I am enjoying myself and am in good spirits. I still know that I am on the trip of a lifetime!
I am excited to explore the city after a good night's rest. I'm not sure that will be possible because honking one's horn is encouraged here which amounts to a very loud hotel room. I am staying in a very friendly place that is $15/night and just doesn't compare to my penthouse suite from last night. Either way, I am happy to be back where I feel more comfortable. I have long been more of a hostel rather than resort kind of girl and it feels more like home.
I wish I had pictures but my cable is in my luggage which isn't with me. I promise to post again when I'm able. Oh, and here is a parting lesson: never accept what the banana girl is carrying and allow her to take a picture- she just wants money. See, I'm already learning!
Miss you all!
I am finally at my destination of Hanoi although it has already been an interesting trip. It started with a call from Parker Friday morning at 5:30 am letting me know that he couldn't get on the flight to Hanoi. Long story short, he needed a Visa, which we were told he didn't, and he isn't going to make it to Vietnam. The good news is that he is now going to do some traveling around Thailand while I'm here and we will meet up on Friday in Bangkok to enjoy Thailand together. Anyway, now I see that this was a signal for things to come... My flight from DFW was delayed several hours and I had to be put on another flight to Hong Kong (my connection city from Los Angeles) which I barely made. I, of course, ended up sitting next to the biggest person on the plane and am sore from all of the weird positions I had to sit in because he was basically in my seat the whole eï hour flight. Needless to say, the Ambien only worked for 5 hours and the rest was filled with watching movies, reading and just general excitement.
I made it to Hong Kong with more than enough time to catch my flight to Hanoi (10 hours to be exact) so I had breakfast and a beer and then went to my gate to wait it out. Somewhere in there I managed to fall asleep and miss my flight all together. I woke up just as it was leaving the gate! I was able to re-book for the following day at 2:55 pm (which is a full 3 1/2 days after I left and 20 hours after my originally scheduled flight) and resigned myself to staying in the hotel airport. It turns out that they only had rooms on the penthouse available so I ended up staying in the nicest hotel room of my life. They greeted me as I got off the elevator and carried my stuff to the room- bizarre! Honestly, I really didn't care- I was just so excited for a bed- but the plush robe and slippers sure were nice.
I woke up stupid early (4 am) because of the time difference and spent quite a bit more time in the airport. Just so you know, Starbucks tastes the same everywhere and I hope we travel to Hong Kong when we're on the Amazing Race because I know that airport backwards and forwards.
I finally made it to Hanoi but my luggage wasn't so lucky; even though I had a full day lay over in Hong Kong, it is still in LA. I feel like I won because I beat it here (that's for you Shawn, Laura and CJ) which is a minor victory but I'll take it. Hanoi is interesting- very crowded, bustling with life and full of motorbikes (and apparently it is ok to text while driving a motorbike even though there are no stop signs, traffic signals or anything- weird). Everyone has been very friendly and welcoming which has made all of this much more pleasant. If one was to add up all of the things that went wrong, it would probably equal a nightmare trip but I am enjoying myself and am in good spirits. I still know that I am on the trip of a lifetime!
I am excited to explore the city after a good night's rest. I'm not sure that will be possible because honking one's horn is encouraged here which amounts to a very loud hotel room. I am staying in a very friendly place that is $15/night and just doesn't compare to my penthouse suite from last night. Either way, I am happy to be back where I feel more comfortable. I have long been more of a hostel rather than resort kind of girl and it feels more like home.
I wish I had pictures but my cable is in my luggage which isn't with me. I promise to post again when I'm able. Oh, and here is a parting lesson: never accept what the banana girl is carrying and allow her to take a picture- she just wants money. See, I'm already learning!
Miss you all!
Friday, March 13, 2009
My First Blog

Ok, so this if my first go at posting a blog. Please bear with me...
I am gearing up for my departure date which is in just two weeks. It has been tough to find enough time to spend with loved ones and to also get everything done. It seems that I have acquired quite a bit of stuff over the years and that it feels really good to get rid of most of it.
One of my biggest challenges in preparing for the trip was renting my place out. Having a mortgage is quite restrictive and is actually one of the main reasons I chose to go on this trip. I realized that I was putting down roots, intentionally or not, and that I needed to do this now before it was too late.
The most overwhelming thing for me to deal with is how emotional this move is for me. I have only lived outside of Austin for two years in my adult life and this was while going to school at Texas A&M. I spent most of my time going back to Austin so I'm not sure if that really counts. Leaving my friends, family and all of the people and things that I love about this place is definitely harder than I anticipated. It has been a struggle for me to remain open in my relationship but I am blessed with a remarkably understanding and patient partner which I am extremely grateful for. This will also be the longest amount of time I have been apart from Tiffany. I know it will be tough but a very growing experience, none the less. (She's in the photo with me.)
That being said, I am extremely excited for my new adventure and I can't wait to start the first leg of it. Parker and I are ready for Vietnam and Thailand! It is going to be so much fun and I am extremely happy that I get to share it with such a good friend.
Anyway, more to come later. Stay posted!
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