Friday, December 25, 2009


Today is my last day in Bangkok and I am feeling pretty good about this goodbye. There are things that I will miss but I know that I am taking a step that is good for me and my overall health. I am very excited to come home... So excited that I haven't really even pictured what my trip to Australia will look like; I've been focusing more on Austin. I know I will have a great time so it isn't a worry for me, but figuring out what I will do once back in ATX is. I have some time to think about though...

Before I left, I made a small list of things I wasn't going to miss about Austin. It consisted of these 3 items:
1. Allergies
2. Dog hair
3. Making Tiffany's Christmas list because she can never come up with things she wants.
I haven't missed those things at all!

Here is my list of things I won't miss about Bangkok:
1. Pollution
2. Being sick
3. The sewer smell that permeates the air at all times.
4. The long hours and stress from teaching at International House
5. The interchange of trains at Siam
6. Drinking only bottled water
7. Not being able to flush toilet paper
8. The heat/constant sweat
9. Undulating sidewalks
10. Traffic
11. Dirty white guys
(The last two I may not be able to avoid once back in America, but at least it will be minimized.)

Here are the things that I will miss:
1. The people
2. Everywhere else in Thailand beside Bangkok
3. Thai food

Wow- my list of things that I will miss is pretty short when compared with the list of things I won't... There's proof that this is the right decision. :)

I love you all and hope you are having fantastic holidays. See you soon!!!

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